Blog/Tips For Maintaining Muscle While On GLP-1s
Andrea Paul | 10/17/2024 | 3 min read

Tips For Maintaining Muscle While On GLP-1s

5 things you should be doing to maintain your muscle mass

woman flexing her bicep muscle and smiling

GLP-1 medications like semaglutide and tirzepatide have been proven to help people lose weight.. While this has been a life changing treatment for many, there is a  risk of losing significant muscle mass when you lose weight quickly. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to minimize muscle loss while taking GLP-1s. In this article we will go over 5 things you should be doing to maintain your muscle mass while on these medications. 

1. Up that protein intake

Keeping your protein intake strong while taking GLP-1s is something that you absolutely must pay attention to. In general, the recommendation is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for the average sedentary adult.

For anyone who is also actively strength training, 1.1 - 1.5 g/kg of protein is better to preserve and help build muscle. For example, a person who weighs 165 pounds, or 75 kilograms, should consume about 83 grams of protein per day.

For example, if you weigh 176 pounds, you’ll need at least 80 grams of protein. This is almost the equivalent of eating a scoop of protein powder (15g), a cup of greek yogurt (17g), a chicken breast (43g). Still leaving about 5g left.

What do we mean by "grams of protein"?

"Grams of protein" refers to the number of grams of the macronutrient protein, not the number of grams of a protein-containing food like meat or eggs. So, when you look at a food nutrition label, you'll look at what the total amount of protein in the food is and add that to your daily total.

Meeting daily protein goals with a lower appetite

This is a lot of protein, especially when you don’t have a good appetite. Some good ways to get that protein in are adding protein powder in your smoothies, quinoa to your salads, eating greek yogurt as a snack, or adding some egg whites into whatever you cook or bake. Check out our article on the best foods to eat while taking GLP-1s for healthy diet recommendations 

2. Start strength or resistance training

Resistance or strength training is very important in signaling to your body that you want and need to keep your muscle. Work with a physical therapist or personal trainer to create a program that works for your abilities and within your schedule. Incorporating exercises into your weekly schedule will make a big difference in your ability to maintain muscle mass while losing weight. But, keep in mind that you’ll need to keep your protein intake up so that your body has the building blocks it needs to build muscle. 

3. Eating enough calories to fuel your body

While you want to lose weight and have a calorie deficit, you do need to be sure to take in enough calories to fuel your body. If you don’t, your body will start to break down muscle in order to generate energy. A small calorie deficit is adequate to lose weight without sending your body into a state of starvation where muscle wasting can occur. 

4. Stay hydrated

Many people overlook the importance of hydration while on GLP-1s. Often, when people don’t feel hungry they also don’t feel as thirsty. This can lead to dehydration. This is especially important if you are strength training or exercising, as your body will need extra water to fuel muscle growth and recovery. Besides helping with muscle maintenance, water also helps keep you from becoming constipated and protects your kidneys from the damage that can be caused by dehydration. 

The NIH (National Institutes of Health) recommends at least 9 cups of water per day for women, and 13 cups of water for men, on average. If you are exercising or live in a dry climate, you will likely need more than this.

5. Focus on better sleep

Sleeping at least 7-9 hours per night gives your body the time it needs to recover and build new muscle. While you are asleep, your body releases growth hormones that are crucial for repairing your muscles and building new muscle fibers. Without adequate sleep your body can’t fully recover from exercise. In addition, your body, when sleep deprived, releases cortisol which can lead to muscle breakdown. 

Check out our article with sleep tips sure to help you sleep better and help your body maintain muscle. 

Pair GLP-1s with these muscle maintenance tips

Maintaining muscle mass while losing weight on GLP-1 medications can be a challenge. Focusing on a combination of nutrition, exercise, sleep, and hydration can make a big difference in reducing muscle loss. 

Prioritize your protein intake to support new muscle growth, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Sleeping at least 7 hours a night consistently will help your body recover and repair muscle and incorporate all that protein you ate into new muscle fibers. 

Together these strategies will help you maintain as much muscle mass as possible, and keep you feeling strong and healthy while you are on GLP-1s. 

Agile supports ongoing care and maintenance

Interested in GLP-1s for weight loss? Agile Telehealth can help! Our network of certified, licensed providers are here to guide you towards better health. While GLP-1s do offer a lot of weight loss benefits, we understand that to see the best long-term results, certain lifestyle changes must be adopted. That’s why we offer ongoing care for all of our programs, providing you with the knowledge to build healthier habits for life-long health.

Ready to learn more? See if you qualify today!